Arogyadham Center of Wellness Research and Training (ACWRT)

Approved by the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh(MC)

Arogyadham Center of Wellness Research and Training is a dedicated institution focused on promoting health and well-being through comprehensive research, education, and practical training. The center combines scientific research with holistic health practices to foster physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Offering a variety of wellness programs, workshops, and training courses, Arogyadham aims to empower individuals and organizations to lead healthier lives. It serves as a hub for those interested in exploring innovative approaches to wellness, blending traditional methods with modern research for long-term health benefits.

Certificate Courses (3 months duration)

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Graduate IHC ( NU); PG IHC ( NU); DUMS in progress (KUMC); Fellowship in Fundamental of Naturopathy (ANC – India); Voluntary Research Fellow (Study on promotion of knowledge & practices of Ayurvedic health products in Bangladesh) of Krishnayanam Mahasangha; Network System Administrator of Bangladesh (ANC – India); Founder & CEO Abasor Dot Com;
Certified Digital Marketing Expert; Certified Online Market Researcher. Certified Ayurvedic Medicine Specialist, Specialist Sustainable Business.

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B.Sc. in Anthropology (CU); MARD (IGNOU); B.Ed. (MDU); Corporate Communication & Etiquettes certified (TCS); Former VP (IRMS); Former Field Research Executive (AFCL); Former Field Researcher (QRS); Senior Voluntary Research Fellow (Krishnayanam Mahasangha); Associate Director (Arogyadham Naturopathy Center – India); Relationship & Promotional Head (Kalyani Herbal Remedies – India).